WLCBF 2017 - How the Proceeds will Impact our Community
The Williams Craft Beer Festival organizing committee is excited to announce that 2017’s proceeds will raise money for the Cariboo Chilcotin Child Development Centre Association. The Child Development Centre is a well-established charity that provides services to children and families in the Williams Lake community. Our goal for the event is to raise $25,000 to replace outdated playground equipment at the CDC and improve the playground’s accessibility for children with mobility issues. For more information about the Cariboo Chilcotin Child Development Centre Association check out their website at: http://cccdca.org/
The planning for the 2017 event is shaping up well. There are already more committed breweries for the 2017 then we’ve ever hosted before! Keep an eye on our website and social media feeds for frequent announcements over the next few months!
Lastly, be sure to make time to stop by Croft’s Brewing when tickets go on sale December 3rd. Tickets are $75, are cash only, sales will be limited to six tickets per person maximum and you must be 19+ to purchase tickets and attend the event. If you are interested in sponsoring the event, please reach out to our team at: sponsorship@williamslakecraftbeerfestival.com for more information.